A Study on the Solvency Management of Life Insurance Company upon Fair Value 基于公允价值的寿险公司偿付能力管理研究
The Latest Development of Solvency ⅱ Project of Insurance Industry in European Union and Its Enlightenment to China 欧盟保险业SolvencyⅡ项目最新进展及对我国的启示
A Comparative Study of Solvency of Life Insurance Companies between China and India A research on the effectiveness of solvency regulation on life insurance companies 中印两国寿险公司偿付能力对比研究寿险公司偿付能力监管的有效性研究
Premium rate is the core content in basic clauses, it is the price that policy-holder buys insurance substantially, decide exorbitantly inequitable to policy-holder, decide too lowly will naturally cause menace to the solvency of insurance company. 保险费率是基本保险条款中的核心内容,本质上是投保人购买保险的代价,定得过高对投保人不公平,定得过低势必会对保险公司的偿付能力造成威胁。
I put forward some feasible measures about the supervision of the solvency of insurance company from the standpoint of law and some suggestions concerning the the system of the solvency hoping to contribute to our country's safe and steady insurance operation. 笔者通过本研究,从法律角度为保险公司偿付能力监管提出了一些可行措施,为完善偿付能力监管体制提出了建议,以期待为我国保险业的安全、稳健运行尽一份绵薄之力。
Supervisory Indicators of Solvency of Insurers and Analysis Consummating the Regulatory Index System on Solvency of Life Insurance Company 保险公司偿付能力监管指标及分析论完善我国寿险公司偿付能力监管指标体系
But in China it is a new task that how to establish and improve solvency regulation of insurance companies. 但是在保险业还不发达的中国怎样建立和完善对保险公司偿付能力的监管还是一个比较新的课题。
Solvency of insurance enterprise and insurance investment 保险企业偿付能力与保险投资
To strengthen supervision of insurers 'solvency, insurance supervision authorities have made some specific regulations on the ALM methods and techniques used in life insurance companies in many countries. 为了加强偿付能力监管,许多国家的保险监管部门对寿险公司使用的ALM方法和技术提出了具体的要求。
Monitoring and Controlling Method on Solvency of Non-life Insurance Companies Based on Grey Incidence Degree 基于灰色关联度的非寿险保险公司偿付能力的监控方法
Once the solvency of insurance companies is inadequate, the insured may not be compensated when they are subject to loss; 一旦保险公司发生偿付能力不足的情况,投保人在保险标的发生保险事故时将有可能得不到赔偿;
On one hand, it is central subject of life insurance accounting, and on the other hand, it is the direct base of solvency to an insurance company of life. 对其计提的处理将直接影响到寿险公司利润、所有者权益、税收等其它会计科目的评估。
A Comparative Study of the EU and USA Supervision on the Solvency of Insurance Companies 欧美保险业偿付能力监管的比较研究
Application of the Principal Component Analysis for the Influence Factors of Solvency in Non-life Insurance Companies 主成分分析法在非寿险保险公司偿付能力影响因素中的应用
The unearned premium reserve is the main liability of non-life insurance company and its veracity has great influence on the solvency evaluation by insurance regulation department. 未到期责任准备金作为财产保险公司的主要负债内容,其计提准确性对保险监管部门客观评价保险公司的偿付能力状况有着较大的影响。
Solvency of an insurance company is composed of capital, reserve, guaranteed funds, free reserve and minimum solvency margin. 而偿付能力的内容包括资本金、保险责任准备金、保险保证金、保险保障基金、总准备金和最低偿付能力额度等。
There are a lot of factors that influence the solvency of life insurance. It can be summarized as two aspects, i.e. external factors and internal factors. 影响寿险公司偿付能力的因素有很多,归纳起来,无非是两个方面,即外部因素和内部因素。
Meanwhile, the management on solvency of non-life insurance companies should be strengthened from the angle of insurance regulatory institutions so as to boost the sustainable and sound development of China's insurance sector after entry into WTO. 同时,要从保险监管机构的角度,加强对非寿险保险公司偿付能力的管理,最终促进中国保险业在入世后的持续稳健发展。
Risk theory is an important part of the actuarial science, and the is a hot topic of risk theory research. It is an important indicator to measure solvency of the insurance company and financial stability. 风险理论是精算科学的重要组成部分,而破产概率是风险理论中最基本的研究课题之一,是衡量保险公司偿付能力和财务稳定的一个重要指标。
Surrounding the standards of solvency regulation of insurance company, Chapter Two generalizes the basic characteristics of foreign solvency regulation systems of insurance company now. 第二章围绕保险公司偿付能力监管的各项具体指标,简要介绍了当前国外保险公司偿付能力监管的立法,并由此概括出国外保险公司偿付能力监管法制的基本特征。
The solvency of insurance companies is the ability to repay debts. The insurance company has adequate solvency is the premise of the insured to obtain the insurance. 保险公司偿付能力是指保险公司偿还债务的能力,特别是未来给付保险金或赔款的能力,保险公司拥有充足的偿付能力是被保险人获得保险保障的前提。
Dynamic financial analysis is mainly applied in the Solvency regulation of insurance company, matching asset and liability, optimizing the reinsurance strategy and evaluating the expected business strategy, etc. Thirdly, this chapter introduces the classification of dynamic financial analysis. 动态财务分析主要应用在偿付能力监管、配置资产和负债、优化再保险策略以及评价预期的经营策略等方面。再次,介绍了动态财务分析的分类。
These issues has been effectively reflected on the solvency of insurance companies, eventually leading to insurance companies which solvency are serious shortage withdraw from the market. 这些问题在保险公司的偿付能力上得到了切实的反映,偿付能力严重不足则最终导致保险公司的市场退出。
The construction of insurance fund investment portfolio is related to the return on investment, affecting the solvency of insurance company. 保险资金投资组合的构建关系到投资收益,还影响保险公司的偿付能力。
In contrast with this drawback, our optimal solvency margin model is able to provide a much more reasonable, case-on-case solvency margin for insurance businesses containing various degrees of mortality fluctuation risks. 相比之下,本文提出的最优偿付能力额度模型能够在死亡率波动风险方面针对不同风险程度的保险业务提出量身定做的偿付能力额度,合理性得到很大的提高。
In order to protect the interests of the insured and the circumstance of insurance industry, measures should be taken by supervising the solvency of the insurance companies. 为了更好地维护投保人和被保险人的利益,就必须对保险公司的偿付能力进行监管,确保保险公司都具有充足的偿付能力。
Assessment of the operating performance and solvency of non-life insurance companies depends on accurate evaluation of claims reserve liabilities. 在确定非寿险公司的经营业绩和偿付能力方面,都依赖于索赔准备金负债的准确评估。
According to the data from the China Insurance Regulatory Commission Web site terms, the insufficient solvency of insurance companies account for about 11.7% of the total number of insurance companies, the Insurance Solvency become a hot issue to discuss community once again. 由保监会网站上的数据来看,偿付能力不足的保险公司约占保险公司总数的11.7%,保险偿付能力再次成为社会各界讨论的热点问题。
The solvency of insurance companies determines realization of the interests for the insured. 保险公司的偿付能力,决定着被保险人的利益能否得到真正的实现。
As the beginning of insurance supervision, it is of both high theoretic and practical significance to evaluate current solvency of insurance companies and find out potential problems by resorting to designing a set of indicators of solvency. 作为监管的起点,通过运用财务分析的方法构建一套完整的监管指标体系,对寿险公司偿付能力现状进行评价并及时发现存在的问题,对保险公司及其监管部门具有重要的理论和现实意义。